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ARKAPLAN EFEKTLERİ (Background Effects)
javasprict arşivi 2
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<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> //This Script is Copyright S Atamian© 2000 //If you are going to use this code, you MUST leave these //lines of script UNEDITED! var shant="http://www.designlife.cjb.net" document.write('Please wait while you are forwarded to ' + shant) function forPage() { location.href=shant } setTimeout ("forPage()", 1000); </SCRIPT>
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<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Script by: Michael Tartaglia <stonedstan@hotmail.com> --> <!-- Web Site: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Horizon/5235 --> <!-- Begin day = new Date(); miVisit = day.getTime(); function clock() { dayTwo = new Date(); hrNow = dayTwo.getHours(); mnNow = dayTwo.getMinutes(); scNow = dayTwo.getSeconds(); miNow = dayTwo.getTime(); if (hrNow == 0) { hour = 12; ap = " AM"; } else if(hrNow <= 11) { ap = " AM"; hour = hrNow; } else if(hrNow == 12) { ap = " PM"; hour = 12; } else if (hrNow >= 13) { hour = (hrNow - 12); ap = " PM"; } if (hrNow >= 13) { hour = hrNow - 12; } if (mnNow <= 9) { min = "0" + mnNow; } else (min = mnNow) if (scNow <= 9) { secs = "0" + scNow; } else { secs = scNow; } time = hour + ":" + min + ":" + secs + ap; document.form.button.value = time; self.status = time; setTimeout('clock()', 1000); } function timeInfo() { milliSince = miNow; milliNow = miNow - miVisit; secsVisit = Math.round(milliNow / 1000); minsVisit = Math.round((milliNow / 1000) / 60); alert("There have been " + milliSince + " milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970. " + "You have spent " + milliNow + " of those milliseconds on this page. " + ".... About " + minsVisit + " minutes, and " + secsVisit + " seconds."); } document.write("<form name="form">" + "<input type=button value="Click for info!"" + " name=button onClick="timeInfo()"></form>"); onError = null; clock(); // End --> </SCRIPT>
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<SCRIPT> <!-- hide this script from non-JavaScript browsers // All code in this script is Copyright(C) 1996, Justin Boyan, jab+j@cs.cmu.edu // For documentation and more info, see: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~jab/snark/ // This is SNARK Version 1.0, 18 May 1996 var MAX_ENGINES = 30; var SNARK_STRING = "hunting+the+snark"; function MakeArray(n) { for (var i = 1; i <= n; i++) { this[i] = 0; } this.maxlen = n; this.len = 0; return this; } var engs = new MakeArray(MAX_ENGINES); function find_substring(needle, haystack) { var i, needlen = needle.length, haylen = haystack.length; for (i=0; i<=haylen-needlen; i++) { if (needle == haystack.substring(i,i+needlen)) return i; } return false; } function Engine(name, opts, home, search) { var snark = find_substring(SNARK_STRING, search); this.name = name; this.opts = opts; this.home = home; this.pre_snark = search.substring(0,snark); this.post_snark= search.substring(snark+SNARK_STRING.length, search.length); } function Add(name, opts, home, search) { engs.len++; if (engs.len <= engs.maxlen) { engs[engs.len] = new Engine(name, opts, home, search) } else { alert("Better increase MAX_ENGINES: " + engs.len + ">" + engs.maxlen) } } // ADD YOUR OWN SEARCH ENGINES BELOW. (See http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~jab/snark/ ) Add("Netnews: AltaVista", "", "http://altavista.digital.com/", "http://altavista.digital.com/cgi-bin/query?pg=q&what=news&fmt=d&q=hunting+the+snark" ); Add("Shareware/Windows", "", "http://vsl.cnet.com/", "http://vsl.cnet.com/cgi-bin/vsl-master/Find?category=MS-Windows%28all%29&search=hunting+the+snark&logop=and&and=&orfile=++&hits=200" ); Add("Shareware/Unix", "", "http://vsl.cnet.com/", "http://vsl.cnet.com/cgi-bin/vsl-master/Find?category=UNIX&search=hunting+the+snark&logop=and&and=&orfile=++&hits=200" ); Add("the Web: AltaVista", "SELECTED", "http://altavista.digital.com/", "http://altavista.digital.com/cgi-bin/query?pg=q&what=web&fmt=d&q=hunting+the+snark" ); Add("the Web: Lycos", "", "http://www.lycos.com/", "http://twelve.srv.lycos.com/cgi-bin/pursuit?query=hunting+the+snark" ); Add("the Web: Yahoo!", "", "http://www.yahoo.com/", "http://search.yahoo.com/bin/search?p=hunting+the+snark" ); Add("Weather (City, ST)", "", "http://www.nnic.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/page?pg=netcast", "http://www.nnic.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/netcast.do-it?state=hunting+the+snark&area=Local+Forecast&html=yes&match=strong"); // ADD YOUR OWN SEARCH ENGINES ABOVE. (See http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~jab/snark/ ) function HandleForm(form) { form.submit(); // This fixes a mysterious Netscape bug. Without this line, // you can't use <enter> to start the search the first time. var i, oldq=form.query.value, newq=""; for (i=0; i<oldq.length; i++) { // compress [ ]+ into + var thischar = oldq.charAt(i); if (thischar != ' ') newq += thischar; else if (lastchar != ' ') newq += '+'; lastchar = thischar; } var eng = engs[1+form.service.selectedIndex]; location.href = newq ? eng.pre_snark + newq + eng.post_snark : eng.home; } function DisplayForm() { document.writeln('<CENTER><FORM OnSubmit="HandleForm(this); return false">'); document.writeln('Search <SELECT name="service">'); for (i=1; i <= engs.len; i++) { document.writeln("<OPTION " + engs[i].opts + "> " + engs[i].name); } document.writeln('</SELECT> for <INPUT size=26 name="query">'); document.writeln('<input type=submit value=" GO!">'); document.writeln('</FORM> </CENTER>'); } DisplayForm(); // done hiding from old browsers --> </SCRIPT>
<!-- START OF SCRIPT --> <!-- For more scripts visit http://www.netpedia.com --> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- // Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Tomer Shiran. All rights reserved. // Permission given to use the script provided that this notice remains as is. // Additional scripts can be found at http://www.geocities.com/~yehuda/ // set speed of banner (pause in milliseconds between characters) var speed = 100 // decrease value to increase speed (must be positive) // set pause between completion of message and beginning of following message var pause = 1000 // increase value to increase pause // set initial values var timerID = null var bannerRunning = false // create global array var ar = new Array() // assign the strings to the array's elements ar[0] = "Buraya mesajınızı yazın" ar[1] = "Buraya 2. mesajınızı yazın." ar[2] = "Buraya 3. mesajınızı yazın." ar[3] = "Buraya 4. mesajınızı yazın." // set index of first message to be displayed first var currentMessage = 0 // set index of last character to be displayed first var offset = 0 // stop the banner if it is currently running function stopBanner() { // if banner is currently running if (bannerRunning) // stop the banner clearTimeout(timerID) // timer is now stopped bannerRunning = false } // start the banner function startBanner() { // make sure the banner is stopped stopBanner() // start the banner from the current position showBanner() } // type-in the current message function showBanner() { // assign current message to variable var text = ar[currentMessage] // if current message has not finished being displayed if (offset < text.length) { // if last character of current message is a space if (text.charAt(offset) == " ") // skip the current character offset++ // assign the up-to-date to-be-displayed substring // second argument of method accepts index of last character plus one var partialMessage = text.substring(0, offset + 1) // display partial message in status bar window.status = partialMessage // increment index of last character to be displayed offset++ // IE sometimes has trouble with "++offset" // recursive call after specified time timerID = setTimeout("showBanner()", speed) // banner is running bannerRunning = true } else { // reset offset offset = 0 // increment subscript (index) of current message currentMessage++ // if subscript of current message is out of range if (currentMessage == ar.length) // wrap around (start from beginning) currentMessage = 0 // recursive call after specified time timerID = setTimeout("showBanner()", pause) // banner is running bannerRunning = true } } // --> </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY onLoad="startBanner()"> </BODY> </HTML> <!-- END OF SCRIPT -->
<script language="JavaScript"> <!-- // please keep these lines on when you copy the source // made by: Nicolas - http://www.javascript-page.com var currentmsg = 0 var MsgTime = 2000 var MsgEndTime = 4000 function initArray(n) { this.length = n; for (var i =1; i <= n; i++) { this[i] = ' ' } } msg = new initArray(4) msg[0]="This is Message 1" msg[1]="Now it is Message 2" msg[2]="No, do not say I have to do 3 messages" msg[3]="Yeah, this message, 4, is the last" function msgrotator() { window.status = msg[currentmsg] if (currentmsg > msg.length - 1) { currentmsg = 0 setTimeout("msgrotator()", MsgEndTime) } else { currentmsg = currentmsg + 1 setTimeout("msgrotator()", MsgTime) } } msgrotator(); //--> </script>
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<!-- START OF SCRIPT --> <!-- For more scripts visit http://www.netpedia.com --> <HTML><HEAD><title>Status Character Scroll</title> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- hide from old browsers var init_msg = "Buraya mesajınızı yazın..." var str = "" var msg = "" var leftmsg = "" function setMessage() { if (msg == "") { str = " " msg = init_msg leftmsg = "" } if (str.length == 1) { while (msg.substring(0, 1) == " ") { leftmsg = leftmsg + str str = msg.substring(0, 1) msg = msg.substring(1, msg.length) } leftmsg = leftmsg + str str = msg.substring(0, 1) msg = msg.substring(1, msg.length) for (var ii = 0; ii < 120; ii++) {str = " " + str} } else { str = str.substring(10, str.length) // decrease str little by little } window.status = leftmsg + str JSCTimeOutID = window.setTimeout('setMessage()',100) } <!-- done hiding --> </SCRIPT></HEAD> <BODY bgcolor="ffffff" onload="JSCTimeOutID = window.setTimeout('setMessage()',500);"> Lütfen Status Bar'a bakın... <!-- END OF SCRIPT -->
<script language="JavaScript"> //This Java Script is free to the domain. All I ask is you send me an //email to //ddelong@csci.csusb.edu to let me know that you will be using it. This //message must be included with the script if you copy it. <!-- for sucky browsers Months = new Array(12); Months[0] = "January"; Months[1] = "February"; Months[2] = "March"; Months[3] = "April"; Months[4] = "May"; Months[5] = "June"; Months[6] = "July"; Months[7] = "August"; Months[8] = "September"; Months[9] = "October"; Months[10] = "November"; Months[11] = "December"; function PadSpaces(TheString) { var Spaces = " "; len = Math.round((9 - TheString.length)/2); return Spaces.substring(0,len) + TheString; } function NumLeapYears(StartYear, EndYear) { var LeapYears, i; if (EndYear >= StartYear){ for(LeapYears = 0; StartYear <= EndYear; StartYear++) if (IsLeapYear(StartYear)) LeapYears++; }else{ for(LeapYears = 0; EndYear <= StartYear; EndYear++) if (IsLeapYear(EndYear)) LeapYears++; } return LeapYears; } function IsLeapYear(Year) { if(Math.round(Year/4) == Year/4){ if(Math.round(Year/100) == Year/100){ if(Math.round(Year/400) == Year/400) return true; else return false; }else return true; } return false; } function Trim(TheString) { var len; len = TheString.length; while(TheString.substring(0,1) == " "){ //trim left TheString = TheString.substring(1, len); len = TheString.length; } while(TheString.substring(len-1, len) == " "){ //trim right TheString = TheString.substring(0, len-1); len = TheString.length; } return TheString; } function DetermineMonthIdx() { var i, month, month_s, len; month = Trim(document.calform.elements[4].value); len = month.length; for( i = 0; i <12; i++){ month_s = Months[i].substring(0,len); if (month_s.toUpperCase() == month.toUpperCase()) return (i); } return -1; } function FindNewYearStartingDay(Year) { var LeapYears, Years, Day; LeapYears = NumLeapYears(1995, Year); if (Year >=1995) Years = (Year -1995)+LeapYears; else Years = (Year -1995)-LeapYears; if (Year >=1995) Day = Math.round(((Years/7 - Math.floor(Years/7))*7)+.1); else Day = Math.round(((Years/7 - Math.ceil(Years/7))*7)-.1); if (Year >=1995){ if(IsLeapYear(Year)) Day--; }else Day += 7; if(Day < 0) Day = 6; if(Day > 6) Day = 0; return Day; } function FindNumDaysInMonth(Year, Month) { if(Month == 1){ if(IsLeapYear(Year)) return 29; else return 28; }else{ if(Month >6) Month++; if(Month/2 == Math.round(Month/2)) return 31; } return 30; } function FindMonthStartDay(NewYearDay, Year, Month) { var MonthStartDay; AddArray = new Array(12); AddArray[0]=0;AddArray[1]=3;AddArray[2]=3;AddArray[3]=6; AddArray[4]=1;AddArray[5]=4;AddArray[6]=6;AddArray[7]=2; AddArray[8]=5;AddArray[9]=0;AddArray[10]=3;AddArray[11]=5; MonthStartDay = NewYearDay + AddArray[Month]; if(IsLeapYear(Year) && (Month ) > 1) MonthStartDay ++; if (MonthStartDay > 6) MonthStartDay -= 7; return MonthStartDay; } function FillCalendar() { var Year, Month, Midx, NewYearDay, MonthStartDay; var NumDaysInMonth, i, t; Year = parseFloat(document.calform.elements[1].value); Month = document.calform.elements[4].value; Midx = DetermineMonthIdx(); if (Midx == -1){ alert ("Can't recognize that month"); return; } NewYearDay = FindNewYearStartingDay(Year); MonthStartDay = FindMonthStartDay(NewYearDay, Year, Midx); NumDaysInMonth = FindNumDaysInMonth(Year, Midx); for(i = 6; i < 43; i++){ t = i-5-MonthStartDay; if ( t >= 1 && t <= NumDaysInMonth) document.calform.elements[i].value =t; else document.calform.elements[i].value = ""; } } function IncDecYear(val) { var valNum = parseInt(val); var valNum2 = parseInt(document.calform.elements[1].value) document.calform.elements[1].value = valNum2 + valNum; FillCalendar() } function IncDecMonth(val) { var valNum = parseInt(val); var Midx = DetermineMonthIdx(); Midx += valNum; if(Midx > 11) Midx = 0; if(Midx < 0) Midx = 11; document.calform.elements[4].value = PadSpaces(Months[Midx]); FillCalendar() } // --> </script> </HEAD><BODY><table border=1 bgcolor="#000000"><tr><td align=center> <table border=0 cellspacing=0> <form name="calform"> <tr><td align=center bgcolor="#000000"><input type=button value="<<" onClick="IncDecYear(-1)"></td> <th bgcolor="#aaaaaa" colspan=5 align=center><input size=4 type=text value="1993"></th> <td align=center bgcolor="#000000"><input type=button value=">>" onClick="IncDecYear(1)"></td></tr> <tr><td align=center bgcolor="#000000"><input type=button value="<<" onClick="IncDecMonth(-1)"></td> <th bgcolor="#aaaaaa" colspan=5 align=center><input size=9 type=text value=" January "></th> <td align=center bgcolor="#000000"><input type=button value=">>" onClick="IncDecMonth(1)"></td></tr> <tr><th bgcolor="#ffcccc">Sun</td> <th bgcolor="#ccccff">Mon</td> <th bgcolor="#ccccff">Tue</td> <th bgcolor="#ccccff">Wed</td> <th bgcolor="#ccccff">Thu</td> <th bgcolor="#ccccff">Fri</td> <th bgcolor="#ccccff">Sat</td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor="#ffcccc"><input type=text size=2></td> <td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td> <td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td> <td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td> <td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td> <td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td> <td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor="#ffcccc"><input type=text size=2></td> <td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td> <td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td> <td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td> <td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td> <td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td> <td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor="#ffcccc"><input type=text size=2></td> <td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td> <td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td> <td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td> <td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td> <td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td> <td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor="#ffcccc"><input type=text size=2></td> <td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td> <td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td> <td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td> <td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td> <td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td> <td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor="#ffcccc"><input type=text size=2></td> <td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td> <td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td> <td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td> <td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td> <td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td> <td bgcolor="#ccccff" ><input type=text size=2></td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor="#ffcccc"><input type=text size=2></td> <td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td> <td bgcolor="#aaaaaa" colspan=5><input type=text></td></tr> </form> </table> </td></tr></table> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- //include this script segment if you want to set the calendar to today's date. //this MUST come after the tabled form which contains the calendar //set calendar to today's date myDate = new Date(); var Month = parseInt(myDate.getMonth()); document.calform.elements[1].value = myDate.getYear(); document.calform.elements[4].value = PadSpaces(Months[Month]); document.calform.elements[43].value = "Today is: " + myDate.getDate() + " " + Months[Month].substring(0,3) + ", " + (myDate.getYear()); FillCalendar(); // --> </script>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- // Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Tomer Shiran. All rights reserved. // Permission given to use the script provided that this notice remains as is. // Additional scripts can be found at http://www.geocities.com/~yehuda/ // autostart - used instead body onload setTimeout('animate()',5); // create row of radio buttons lay(20) // set index of lamp to start animation var current = 0 // set speed (pause in milliseconds between each movement) var speed = 100 function lay(num) { // assign "greater than" character to variable var gt = unescape("%3e") // open form document.write("<FORM NAME='animation'" + gt) // use loop to lay radio buttons down (all buttons in same group) for (var i = 0; i < num; ++i) { document.write("<INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME='lamps'" + gt) } // close form document.write("</FORM" + gt) } function animate() { // click next radio button document.animation.lamps[current].click() // if radio button is the last one reset variable to 0 (otherwise increment) current = (current == document.animation.lamps.length - 1) ? 0 : ++current // recursive call after speed milliseconds timerID = setTimeout("animate()", speed) } // --> </SCRIPT>
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<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- // The JavaScript Source!! http://javascript.internet.com // With modifications made by Cream Software // Begin function emailCheck() { txt=document.isn.email.value; if ((txt.indexOf(" ")!=-1)) { alert("Warning! Email address cannot contain spaces!"); return; } if ((txt.indexOf("@")==-1)) { alert("Warning! Email address needs to contain '@' character!"); return; } if (txt.indexOf("@")<2) { alert("Warning! The email address is incorrect!nPlease check its part before '@' character!"); return; } if ((txt.indexOf(".com")<5)&&(txt.indexOf(".org")<5)&&(txt.indexOf(".gov")<5)&&(txt.indexOf(".net")<5)&&(txt.indexOf(".mil")<5)&&(txt.indexOf(".edu")<5)&&(txt.indexOf(".pl")<5)) { alert("Warning! The email address is incorrect!nPlease check its part after '@' character.nThere should be a prefix e.g. .com."); return; } parent.location.href='mailto:' + txt; } // End --> </SCRIPT>
<script language="JavaScript"> <!-- // Upper Corner Live clock script credit: // Website Abstraction (www.wsabstract.com) // More free scripts here! function show(){ if (!document.layers&&!document.all) return var Digital=new Date() var hours=Digital.getHours() var minutes=Digital.getMinutes() var seconds=Digital.getSeconds() var dn="AM" if (hours>12){ dn="PM" hours=hours-12 } if (hours==0) hours=12 if (minutes<=9) minutes="0"+minutes if (seconds<=9) seconds="0"+seconds //change font size here to your desire myclock="<font size='5' face='Arial' color='blue'><b><font size='2'>Current date and time:</font></br>"+hours+":"+minutes+":" +seconds+" "+dn+"</b></font>" if (document.layers){ document.layers.liveclock.document.write(myclock) document.layers.liveclock.document.close() } else if (document.all) liveclock.innerHTML=myclock setTimeout("show()",1000) } //--> </script></HEAD><BODY><span id="liveclock" style="position:absolute;left:1;top:1;"> </span> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- setTimeout('show()',10); //--> </SCRIPT>
<script language="JavaScript"> /********************************************************************************** * Copyright 1999 William Goudy * http://www.goudy.net - personal * http://www.goudy.net/fms - Design Business * william@goudy.net - Email (feel free to email me) **********************************************************************************/ var mw=170 /* The width */ var mh=100 /* The height */ var sp=1 /* The Speed */ var text= '<B>1999.12.14</B> New <A HREF="http://www.creamsoft.com/scribbler/">Scribbler 2000</A> is available!<BR><BR><B>1999.12.12</B> <U>Only 19 days</U> left to Millennium<BR><BR>etc...' if (document.all)document.write('<marquee direction="up" scrollAmount='+sp+' style="width:'+mw+';height:'+mh+'">'+text+'</marquee>') function loop() { window.location.reload() } function loop2() { if (document.layers) { setTimeout("window.onresize=loop",350) init() } } function init() { document.marq.document.marqEx.document.write(text) document.marq.document.marqEx.document.close() thelength=document.marq.document.marqEx.document.height runmarq() } function runmarq() { if (document.marq.document.marqEx.top>=thelength*(-1)) { document.marq.document.marqEx.top-=sp setTimeout("runmarq()",100) } else { document.marq.document.marqEx.top=mh runmarq() } } window.onload=loop2 </script>
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